With a background in photography, I am passionate about exploring various dimensions of the field. This includes visiting galleries, photographing cultural events, engaging with fellow artists at workshops and collaborations, capturing the beauty of natural landscapes and practicing mindfulness. Photography is a core skill that deeply influences both my artistic practice and research. It’s not just about documenting facts or events, but about telling stories, evoking emotions, and interpreting the world through a creative lens, allowing me to explore perspectives that go beyond the surface.
Gyda chefndir mewn ffotograffiaeth, mae gen i ddiddordeb mawr mewn archwilio gwahanol ddimensiynau’r maes. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ymweld ag orielau, tynnu lluniau o ddigwyddiadau diwylliannol, ymwneud â chyd-artistiaid mewn gweithdai a phrosiectau ar y cyd, cyfleu harddwch tirweddau naturiol ac ymarfer meddwlgarwch. Mae ffotograffiaeth yn sgil graidd sy’n dylanwadu’n fawr ar fy ymarfer artistig a fy ymchwil fel ei gilydd. Mae’n fwy na dim ond dogfennu ffeithiau neu ddigwyddiadau; mae a wnelo ag adrodd straeon, ennyn emosiynau a dehongli’r byd trwy lens greadigol, sy’n caniatáu i mi archwilio safbwyntiau o dan yr wyneb.