
I started drawing at an early age, being a quiet kid. I always remember the excitement of going to the store—unlike other kids who would drag their parents to the sweets and chocolate section. I was the one sneaking off to the pens and notebooks aisle. My mum would always find me there, holding a doughnut and a handful of sketchpads in one hand. Without fail, a notebook or two would end up in our shopping basket, and by that evening, most of its pages would be filled with my doodles.  

I’ve never been formally trained as an illustrator, and my background spans a variety of skills and interests. Yet, no matter what I pursued, drawing has always held a special place in my heart. It’s a way for me to return to my roots, to that quiet joy of creating something on paper. As I get older, I reconnect with that early passion, and it feels like coming home. 


Dechreuais ddarlunio pan ro’n i’n ifanc, fel plentyn tawel. Rwy’n cofio’r cyffro o fynd i’r siop— yn wahanol i blant eraill a fyddai’n llusgo eu rhieni at yr adran losin a siocled. Fi oedd yr un a sleifiai i’r adrannau a oedd yn gwerthu llyfrau nodiadau a deunyddiau ysgrifennu. Byddai fy mam bob amser yn dod o hyd i fi yno, â toesen a llond llaw o lyfrau braslunio yn fy llaw. Yn ddieithriad, byddai llyfr nodiadau neu ddau yn ffeindio’u ffordd i’r fasged siopa, ac erbyn y noson honno, byddwn i wedi dwdlan drwy bron bob un o’r tudalennau.  

Ches i erioed hyfforddiant ffurfiol fel darlunydd, ac mae fy nghefndir yn rhychwantu amrywiaeth o sgiliau a diddordebau. Ac eto, ym mhob peth rwy wedi’i wneud, mae darlunio bob amser wedi bod â lle arbennig yn fy nghalon. Mae’n ffordd i mi ddychwelyd at fy ngwreiddiau, at y llawenydd tawel hwnnw o greu rhywbeth ar bapur. Wrth i mi fynd yn hŷn, rwy’n ailgysylltu â’r brwdfrydedd cynnar hwnnw, ac mae’n teimlo fel dod adref.